Thursday, June 13, 2013

Getting Wrecked

This workout really did it. Usually when I go to the gym I try pretty hard, but not hard enough to fail at my entire workout. Like all climbers I like to feel successful and send things. That is the natural urge that I have been fighting to suppress in the gym. In general I do a decent job of this, but I wanted to take my training to the next level for these last couple weeks. In a recent conversation with my buddy Dave he reminded me of this aspect, something he had read in a book by Dave MacLeod. I'll have to read that one sometime.
Failure never felt so good. I mean painful and monotonous. But worth it. Or something.

This is just a basic workout with 3 sections: warm up, climbing portion, training portion. For my climbing portion I wanted to do a set of 4x4's that was at/above my limit. I chose problems that I could confidently reach the 3/4 mark but would be very difficult to send 4 times in a row. My results were an awesome amount of failure. I fell a lot at the 1/2 way or 3/4 mark on the harder problems and fell last move on the two easier ones a couple times. I ended up sending 25% of my efforts with one send consisting of a variation I improvised on the V12 at the top just to keep going (read: I cheated and made it V10/11).

Following the 4x4s I did an hour of hang boarding using the CWP plan followed by campusing and some core. It felt great to be pushing myself that hard and trying things out of my league. 3 weeks until I leave for Africa!



  1. love reading about the training, good luck in Africa!

    1. Thanks for reading! I always enjoy reading about your training as well. Stay psyched!
