Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Month of Training

In my experience the two most important elements to successful gym training are 1) having something to look forward to and 2) setting goals. Since my last workout/training post I set a goal for myself of climbing every boulder problem in the gym. This is a tough goal that satisfies both criteria. Every time I went to the gym I would look forward to trying a new problem, and with every send I came closer to my overall goal.

It has been exactly one month since my last workout post and yesterday I finished my goal of climbing every problem in the gym. I don't know exactly how many problems there are but it was around 130 ranging from V0-V12. Achieving this goal is both motivating and distressing. I am now in territory where I will be making up all of my projects using existing holds
which can be a double edged sword.

I'll have new workouts and goals in the month to come, but for now here are a few photos of what I've been up to lately. As usual if you have any questions, comments, or ideas please comment below.

Last Month in Workouts.

In the top right: A workout centered entirely around moves that I cannot do, or barely do.

My personal best points day in the top right. 175 pts. in 1 hour. V8 and above up to 100.

Homemade campus board + fingerboard outline.

Sent the V12 on the ramp! Finished the session by climbing every other boulder on the ramp V10-V1 = 98 points.

Finally here is a variation to my previously posted workout submitted by BLOCHEAD reader and Vegas local Mike Kirschbaum. Mike has been climbing for just under a year now and came up with a routine that was doable, but challenging for him. Thanks for the submission Mike!

Power Endurance variation workout submitted by Mike Kirschbaum.

If you have a workout that you would like to submit leave a comment below and I will get in touch with you for a chance to be featured on the blog!



  1. Good job Max. Keep it going dude. Only 7 or 8 weeks 'till South Africa.

    1. Thanks Dave! Just trying to stay motivated by any means.

  2. Thanks for the feature Max!

  3. This is for you Max:

    I tried to take the 100 point method outside to Carver. Did like 90 points V7-11 with no double problems over the course of a few hours. Just about put myself in a coma.. #spray

    Also did a 1.5 bodyweight pullup last week though, what do I get for that? #doublespray

    1. Nice! 100 pts outside is a beast day!

      As for the 1.5 bodyweight pull up you get all the bon bons you can handle.


  4. JM and I were at the gym last night. We bouldered, did the Chris Webb-Parsons workout on the beastmaker, then did campus board of:

    ladders by 2 to 10th rung, down, up again, down again
    rest 4 min
    do again
    rest 4 min
    do again
    rest 4 min
    do again

    At one point we were sitting there, tired, sore, resting in between, and JM says "I wonder what training Max is doing right now". I said "I dunno, but whatever it is he's doing it harder than us". We picked it up for the last rep, then went and got some Poutine.

    1. That sounds like a killer workout. I'll have to try it. My fingers have been sore as shit lately! Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!

  5. Did a fun new one last night trying to gain some endurance for that weird climbing where you use ropes. After the standard warm up + power hour I picked routes same as I would for a max effort 4x4, where you should be crushed at the end of the 4th set. I was downclimbing, dropping off and chalking, so maybe 15 seconds in between problems.

    The changeup from 4x4s is instead of doing just 4 sets, I set my phone and did it for an hour nonstop to see how many sets I could do. I failed completely around the 50 minute mark in my 9th set. Kinda like Widowmakers (20 reps of a lift at your 10 rep max) so I figure that's what I'll call it.

    1. Nice, good idea. I'm sure after that you can do those 4 problems in your sleep.
