Thursday, September 2, 2010

Center Start Done! - Mt. Charleston

Managed to make a quick trip out to the cave yesterday to finish up Landing Strip. By the time I reached the cave it was noon. By the time I was warmed up and got on from the start it was nearly half past. I thought the heat would make the final crimp crux a lot more difficult, but I was surprised at how fluid the climb felt. Definitely the best movement of all the 9's in the cave. So fun!

While topping out I could hardly believe it was over. It might be due to the beta, or maybe I'm getting accustomed to climbing in the cave, but this exit felt the easiest of the three. I know it's not, but it was a strange feeling. That does it for the center start, there is one more V9 (Flat Spin 360) to finish up and then on to the harder stuff.

For those that missed it here is Andrew Spencer on Landing Strip. One of the best things about this problem is that it is conducive to a variety of body types making it really fun to decipher (my end beta and Andrew's look nothing alike).

Landing Strip V9 First Ascent, Mt. Charleston from BLOCHEAD on Vimeo.


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