Friday, April 20, 2012

Cryophobia Video

Despite the near 90 degree high yesterday I decided check out the Maranatha boulder in Ice Box Canyon a few hours before dark. This boulder is host to multiple hard problems, unfortunately nearly all of them are friction dependent. Luckily I was able to complete the second ascent of Paul Nadler's Cryophobia, a crimpy line on the backside of the boulder.

Unsure of where this line was supposed to begin, I started with a small right hand lip crimp and a left in the undercling. Paul started with his left hand on the lip and a right hand on the undercling edge. Small difference, but I thought I would be clear and respectful to the first ascentionist. I can really only guess on the grade, but it's safe to say that both establishing on the boulder and sticking the first edge are really hard moves. Hope you enjoy the video and the boulder. It's a great addition to the area.



  1. Liked the audio. Spring is great.

    Keep it up man!

  2. Thanks for watching! Yeah, spring is pretty here. If only it were a little cooler haha.

    Hope you're well man!
